
CATrain 2.2.4

Published: 21 June 2009 Hits: 22271

Version 2.2.4 - June 2009

Fixed Bugs

  • Some small bugs have been fixed. Those bugs were related to the traffic management and also to the control of a real layout (speed setting and keyboard control).


  • A new train, the "TGV" or "ICE", has been introduced, following the design done by RenĂ©, adapted to the limitations of CATrain concerning the drawing and color choice...! (see the layout "RenĂ© 4" included in the examples).
  • The locos are now present inside the "wagon" dialog box to be able to create double traction trains.

Copyright (c) 2005 - 2015: by Joël Bouchat & Daniel Merbecks