
CATrain 2.4.1 - audio

Published: 02 August 2015 Hits: 10647

Version 2.4.1 - August 2015

At least, the Audio effects are implemented!
You can associate audio clips to the trains, to the level-crossings and to dedicated "Horn" elements.
Those audio files must be located inside the "Audio" sub-folder.
You will find there some examples which are immediately usable, but, of course, you can add your own audio effects!
The files must be recorded in "wav" or "mp3" formats, sampled at 44.1 KHz. Monaural recordings are enough.

For people who use CATrain to control a real train layout, triggering an audio effect from an external event in "real-time" is also possible.
Such an event can be the detection of a train or a simple push-button.

Download CATrain 2.4.1

Copyright (c) 2005 - 2015: by Joël Bouchat & Daniel Merbecks